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Introducing GrowthBooster
Introducing GrowthBooster

Content Generation & Syndication Made Easy

Written by Customer Support Team
Updated over a week ago

We are excited to introduce the latest feature to our software platform: the GrowthBooster app.

It brings together Linda Local Location management, a custom WordPress plugin and a native iPhone/Android mobile app to create a powerful content creation and syndication engine for your local business.

Put the mobile app in the hands of any small business employee or owner and as they go about their day they can take before & after pictures, keep their customers up to date on changes at their business and easily create content that is automatically streamlined and published to their Google Business Profile, website and any of their social channels.

The GrowthBooster app puts the power of content creation directly into the hands of the business owner themselves and allows them to easily engage their target audience with authentic content.

Here's a quick look at the mobile app:

The GB app can tag the content created in the app by category or geography and the WordPress plugin allows for dynamic page binding by any combination of either tag... so websites with local service pages can automatically be having fresh, geo relevant content streaming as updates as workers take job posts, make updates and create content.

The Mobile App is also available as a brandable, white label installation for all customers with an Enterprise Linda Local subscription. All other customers will use the GrowthBooster app directly from the app store.

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