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Zapier integration in GrowthBooster
Zapier integration in GrowthBooster
Written by Customer Support Team
Updated over a year ago

GrowthBooster Zapier webhooks

You can use a webhook to send “Moments” data to Zapier and pass it further to your desired application.

If you’re reading this article, I’d assume that you know what Zapier is and how to use it. You can add a webhook (the ‘Catch Hook’ type) on the settings page of your business in the GrowthBooster section of Linda Local.

For those less familiar with Zapier and its functionality - it’s used to automate data fetching workflow and pass it from your source to the apps that you use, like Google docs or some CRM. What you need to do is log in, and create a webhook so that GrowthBooster could pass Moments data to Zapier. You copy the URL, insert it in the field from the screenshot above and hit “Update”. That’s it.

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