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Adding Locations

How to enter your location and choose the platforms you'd like to collect reviews for

Written by Customer Support Team
Updated over a week ago

After logging into your reputation management account for the first time, you will see your business. For this help doc, the business we’ll be using is Starbucks, and the location we’ll add will be the original Starbucks in Seattle.

To add a location, click the plus location link on the right side of the page, as shown below.

On the next page, type in the name of your location and paste its address from Google Maps.

The next thing you’ll want to do is select your first review profile. The most popular choice is Google, so we will give special attention to adding Google as your first review platform. You do not need to choose Google if you don’t want to.

If you intend to request Google reviews, you’ll need to find your Place ID from Google’s Place ID Finder. After the Place ID Finder page loads, scroll down a bit until you see a map in the center of the page. Then, start typing in your location name. You may need to start typing the address as well if there are many Google Maps listings that have names similar to yours. Watch the screen recording below this paragraph.

Once you’ve got your Google Place ID, go back to your Linda Local reputation management tab. You’ll want to click the Google logo underneath the text that says Select Your Review Profile. After clicking Google, paste your Place ID into the field underneath the review platform logos that says “Google.” After you’ve pasted your Place ID, click the rectangular button that says Add Review Profile. You can see these steps in the recording below.

If Google is the only platform you want to collect reviews for, click the blue Create Location button on the bottom of the screen.

If you’d like to add another review platform, click the corresponding icon in the same group of icons where you just found Google. There are more platforms to choose from than the ones that are shown by default. To expand the list of review platforms, click Show all platforms link. You can see this happen below.

All other review platforms work differently than Google. You will be pasting a URL instead of a Place ID. After you click a second review platform, you will see a light gray URL show up in the field that will have the same name as the platform you’ve selected. We’ll show you Yelp as an example, but every platform works this way. You can see an example of the correctly-formatted, light gray URL below.

Paste your the URL associated with your location on that review platform, then click the rectangle Add Review Profile button. You can see this below.

After adding one or two review profiles, click the blue Create Location button at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations. Your location has been added to Linda Local reputation management.

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