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Keyword and GeoGrid Credits Explained
Keyword and GeoGrid Credits Explained

Everything you need to know about keyword and GeoGrid credits

Written by Customer Support Team
Updated over a week ago

At the top right of your screen, if your screen is wider than 1440 pixels, or in the dropdown menu below your email address, you will see two numbers. The top number is your keyword credits and the bottom number s your GeoGrid credits.

Keyword Credits Explained

Let's talk about keyword credits first. Click on any location and click the details tab. Select 'Keywords' tab on the left panel.

Cost: 1 keyword entered will be 1 credit per keyword per type, times the frequency of the check.

Types: Local, Organic desktop, Organic mobile.

Check frequency: Ranges from every 48 hours to once a month.

So our keyword "ruby on rails" is being checked on Local Rank (maps), Organic Rank device, and an Organic Mobile Rank device.

In this case, the credit cost is 3.

We are also checking the keyword once a week and they're about 4 weeks in a month. So 3 x 4 = 12 keyword credits a month for the keyword "ruby on rails"

If you have 2 keywords, each having all 3 types enabled being tracked once a week, for all 2 of those keywords its 24 credits a month.

It's important to note that keyword credits do not roll over every month so use as many keyword scans as your plan allows for.

GeoGrid Credits Explained

Let's talk about how the GeoGrid credits work. Every enabled node costs 1 credit so a 9 by 9 scan is 81 credits. If the GeoGrid is on a set schedule, ran at say once a week, it will cost 81 credits times 4 or 324 credits a month.

Only enabled nodes are charged, so if your 9 by 9 GeoGrid has 1 disabled node, it will cost 80 credits per scan.

It's important to note that GeoGrid credits do roll over every month to an infinite amount.
Here is a quick reference on how many credits a GeoGrid is worth
3x3 = 9 GeoGrid Credits used
5x5 = 25 GeoGrid Credits used
7x7 = 49 GeoGrid Credits used
9x9 = 81 GeoGrid Credits used
13x13 = 169 GeoGrid Credits used

For more questions on our credit system, please message our support team at the chatbox on the bottom right.

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