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Review widget

A quick tutorial on its functionality, settings and how to apply it

Written by Customer Support Team
Updated over a week ago

A review widget can really help you increase conversions by displaying reviews from your actual customers.

Firstly, you might want to choose a business. There on the right, you select the "Review widgets" menu, which takes you to the list of available widgets and a "Create widget" button.

There's a simple configurator which will help you set it all up. You want to name your widget to distinguish it from the others.

By default it's got the floating toast selected. If you click the "test view" you can see how the widget shows up popping on the bottom left of the screen. The reviews rotate every 30 seconds.

The "Display settings" change the position of the widget on the screen.

The other widget type available is the "Embeddable div". It's actually going to be a div on the website. There are 3 different display options there.

Carousel is the first option. You can choose how many reviews to display total and also

how many reviews per slide. If you choose 8 and 2 - it's gonna be four slider with two reviews in each and a total number of eight reviews.

Display controls are also adjustable, so you can have arrows, dots or both.

Another handy feature of test view is that it lets you see how your widget will look like on devices with different resolution.

Another option would be the "Masonry grid", which basically means that the reviews are gonna go side by side. The longer reviews take up more space and shorter reviews take up less space, so the rows aren't necessarily lined up.

Grid view lines it all up so the boxes are of equal size.

In any of these whether we're doing floating toast or one of the embeddable divs we can

choose which reviews we want to display. You can make it five star only or whatever you like with a possibility of sorting them by date descending, ascending or random.

If you want to customize what's actually displayed in here, you can strip it off the dates, user avatars if any, description and review platform logo. All that's gonna stay are the name and rating.

That's all about text review settings on this page, but we've also got video reviews that are covered in another article. The controls here let you choose rating, sorting type and the date.

Next tab is for choosing the review sources. If we've synced locations of a business, selected multiple review platforms, we could display only reviews from a specific platform for each location. This brings lots of flexibility there.

Under appearance by default we have the "Light mode" an the "Dark mode". If you want to make it match your brand colors, you can literally do anything you want here.

It supports RGB codes and it's got a color picker, so if there's a color you want to use somewhere on the screen you can simply pick it up.

Once your widget is saved, you get your embed code and this needs to get copied and pasted into your website where you would like the review widget to show up.

To embed your widget into a WordPress site, you need to do the following - go to the settings of the page you’ll want this widget present, and add a block named `Custom HTML`.

Paste the code you obtained from the `Embed Code` tab of the `Review widgets` section, and you’re good to go.

Adding this snippet to a non-WP website is even easier - you just copy-paste it to a page and that’s it.

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